Yesterday I got Ricky Tic all setup, and rode him for the first time in the bareback pad. He is so very comfy to ride bareback. We did some walk and trot, transitions, trot a few steps, walk a few steps etc. I could see he was bored out of his brain after about a minute, so I got my guts together, and opened the gate, and rode him out in the play paddock, didn't get a much happier look on his face, but when I picked out a patch of grass, and rode to it, and asked him to stop, and gave him all the rope, he was very happy to munch. We did that for a few seconds, then off to another patch, etc. It was fun, and he really enjoyed it I think.
Today I played friendly game with Ricky Tic and Mossy. I started out with Ricky Tic, and did some undemanding time..... The first picture was Ricky Tic checking me out from the side of the roundyard. I was sitting on a bucket in the centre, and he stood there like that for a good ten minutes, so funny, he just couldn't work out what I was doing, but you know what, when finished, and I did some friendly game, he was sooo relaxed, he just chilled out, it was very cool. He dropped his head right down to the ground as I rubbed his ears (second Picture), and then I knelt down, and rubbed his legs, and hooves, he loved it I think, nice day.
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